Protection Training
The protection training, we develop for your dog is based on a detailed assessment of your requirement. The dog that becomes your personal protector will undergo training in a home and lifestyle environment relevant to your needs. Once the dog is trained to the desired and agreed upon level, we will test its capabilities in a relevant scenario setting to ensure competency and to allow you to understand the potential of your dog while developing your handling skills so you understand the handling commitment you must make as its owner. The dog is part of your family with an important role to play so you and your family members must take on the role of dog handler.

Some of the techniques we cover:
- A dog is taught to guard his owner. The training is play based. The dog is trained to pursue a perpetrator, to deter him psychologically, and to escort him. After this course, we can proceed to more rigorous training.
- The following skills are taught: active defense reaction, safeguarding an object, protecting the owner, apprehending a criminal, identifying objects by smell, escorting a perpetrator, and preventing escape attempts.
- The dog is taught to defend against three persons, to detain up to three persons, to catch a perpetrator jumping a fence, to defend against a knife or firearms, to escort a group of people and prevent escape attempts, to guard a house or an open area, to protect a child, and to guard a vehicle.